Sunshine, Survey and Scandal

England is not known for its weather, but fortunately for us (and everyone else conforming to lockdown), this spring has been exceptionally warm, dry and sunny.   Our days started to fall into a comfortable routine of having a lazy morning, culminating in a late brunch outside enjoying casual conversation and occasional catch up with our neighbour, Lawrence over the high fence.   In the early afternoon we would normally do some baking and go for a walk which, following the slight easing of lockdown restrictions in early May, meant we were allowed to stay out all day and travel as far as we wanted, providing we were back home to sleep and did not break our bubble. 

I was determined to make a difference in Piers and Jenni’s backyard so have been rediscovering my green fingers!  My sister, Bea, sent me a package of various vegetable seeds and I started a small nursery in the sunny front porch.  Each morning I took great delight watching the progress of the seeds, getting huge satisfaction as my lettuce, courgettes, tomatoes, runner beans and capsicums started showing the first signs of life and slowly uncurling to a display of small leaves and shoots. 

I diligently moved them to the backyard as the morning sun moved further West so the plants could get the benefit of a full days growth in the warm spring sunshine.   At this rate, we’ll be enjoying some of the fruits of my gardening labour!

Following Boris Johnston’s announcement that England was to start to move from Level 4 to Level 3 restrictions there was a lot of confusion around what that actually meant and what was allowed and what was still not permitted.  Following numerous media interviews, it became clear that even the PM’s own Ministers and MP’s were confused and it took a few days before it was announced that yacht owners could now access their boats.  Driving long distant in a privately owned car was allowed with members of your existing bubble, but not travel on public transport, and even a day sail was permitted.  However, as there was initial confusion around whether marinas could now open, several businesses based at Port Solent (where our prospective boat is located), had remained closed.  This meant that the planned launch on 15 May had to be delayed and was rebooked for 3 June.  In the meantime, we had received the written report for the first part of the survey which highlighted a few issues that needed immediate attention or further investigation.  As the surveyor had little work on at the time, he had plenty of time to talk to us, explain his findings and recommend action.   As Cerulean is an older boat, we were bracing ourselves for a long list of jobs that would need correcting, which is what we received, but there was nothing too alarming – in fact the surveyor commented on how well built and strong the boat was, stating he could see why we  were keen on her.  The survey of the engine was still to be completed.

Following the circus surrounding Boris’ Chief Advisor, Dominic Cummings, flagrant disregard for the Covid-19 restrictions he was responsible for helping author, Boris took the ridiculous decision to try and take the heat out of not firing his right hand man, by easing restrictions further.   While I was incensed by the way Boris and his “tow the line” Ministers responded, the most recent round of loosening the lockdown meant our sea trial could proceed on 6 June as planned, and we would not be in danger of breaking any guidelines – not that many British people feel compelled to stick to the letter of the rules any more now that Boris has made it clear we are to do as his government says, not as they do! 

As we started making plans to travel to Portsmouth the following week it soon became clear it was not going to be quite as straight forward as we had hoped! 

11 thoughts on “Sunshine, Survey and Scandal”

  1. Bless you both. What an adventure!
    But all going in the right direction xxx

  2. You are doing well team 🙂 Confusion on what Ministers do and say is not unique to the UK… confusion reigns supreme here too. Also, pure frustration that we have one active case – people can protest by the hundreds in public – but we still cant attend a sport match, go to pub (unless seated and in limited no.s).

    It is a very weird time in which we live…

    You will be excited to get to the boat and ‘get things done’. Only a few days to go.
    Nga mihi

  3. OMG – nothing is straight forward any more!!! you poor things, this must be exhausting for you, although go you good thing with the greenfingers. Your little seedlings look so cute – they’ll be blossoming before you know it. Good luck with the sail over the weekend – hope you have good seas and fair winds xxx

  4. Wow, great to hear that you are managing to make the most of a pretty damn challenging start to your adventures. I admire your positive outlook and that you are making the most of your days out and about. Fortunately NZ is fairing better than the rest of the world, despite some idiots thinking that they can do as they please. Fingers crossed that we’d will be back to some degree of normality in the next few weeks and begin the road to financial recovery for our economy.

    Looking forward to the next instalment on your adventure. Love Debs and Mark

  5. It’s a shame Cummings wasn’t found out sailing a boat off the Northumbrian coast.

    That could have really accelerated your plans!

  6. Hi and wow I have just caught up … what a journey you are both on, something you will never forget! Be safe, take care and love from Christina, Jef and Archie.

  7. Nicely written and keeping the bright side out. Who would have believed that chronicling your big adventure would also mean documenting a global pandemic. Momentous and memorable in many ways. Good luck with the sea trials. Blue horizons await. xx

  8. Wow – what a wonderful dream! I would say this is actually good timing for your Great Adventure as the world seems so upside-down that an escape of sorts is great! Aussies are stuck in their vast country as the borders are closed and while Kiwis are free to travel overseas, Aussies await the next update on that (by June 25). Perhaps hitching a ride on a boat is a good way to escape!

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